The Learning Consultants, has summer educational programs in reading, writing and math to help students in Southeastern, CT succeed. 


Ask about our reading, writing, and math summer programs for Southeastern, CT.

Create Your Child's Educational Program

Many Southeastern, CT parents are interested in helping their children take control of their education. We can help.

Schools are generic. A child is not.

Over the last few years, we have had increasing demand from our Southeastern, CT parent-clients to create customized educational programs to suit their child.

Not surprisingly, some of these requests were from home-schoolers. We have created history, English, government, economics, and math programs for home school students.

The value was clear. Students were learning material that would be vital for success the following year. For example, we have had many Southeastern, CT students get a jump on algebra II and chemistry.

What was surprising, however, was the number of supplemental or summer programs that parents from Southeastern, CT asked us to create in the core subjects (math, science, history and foreign languages). Parents recognized that our supplemental programs could provide an enormous advantage for their students seeking academic success.

We discovered that these "almost secret" programs helped students succeed tremendously in school.

For example, we recently created a writing program for a student who attended Norwich Free Academy. She had an excellent memory and was generally strong in math. But her grades were beginning to suffer in advanced English and history classes because her writing skills were deficient.

We created a program focused on enhancing the student's writing skills. She worked with one of top writing instructors and her grades in her “weak” classes went up by nearly a letter grade.

In addition, some of the programs we created such as “Public Speaking,” “Personal Marketing,” and “Interviewing” were not part of standard Southeastern, CT school curriculum.

School systems simply do not help students develop these skills. However, many parents understand that these abilities are often vital for their children's overall success.

Create Your Child's Summer Academic Program

Summer also provides increasingly rare open blocks of time - time that students usually do not have during the school year. For that reason, many parents have asked The Learning Consultants to custom-design summer educational programs for their students.

Some of the programs correlate to school subjects the students will face in the upcoming year: math, reading/writing, foreign language and science. Parents have also asked us to design other programs such as “Finance for Young Adults” and “Career Exploration.”

The programs are always designed as engaging, dynamic and fun, while also providing the highest possible education quality.

Why is the summer a great time to learn?


During the school year, students are constantly busy with school and extracurricular activities.

During the summer, parents are usually trying to figure out how to fill their children's time. Some of that time is filled with high quality activities such as sports teams and camps of various sorts. Some of the time is filled with high-quality fun and social life.

A lot of the time just gets filled with hanging out. Some hanging out is fine.

A lot of hanging out is just a waste of time — and a wasted opportunity.

Here's a surprising secret. When actually engaged in productive learning, students don’t grumble. They complain when they are bored. If they are doing something challenging in which they can see some value — even if it happens to be academic work — they are surprisingly receptive.

How do we know? Because we work with numerous students whose parents tell us that their children were "totally against" doing any summer program.

Yet when they are with us and report back to their parents, they almost universally report being satisfied and happy with the work.

Why? Boredom comes from doing nothing or feeling like one is doing nothing. When you’re productive, you’re not bored.

In the summer, 95% of time can be about fun. It’s not too much to ask that 5% be devoted to learning.

You might be surprised to find that our students understand this point better than their parents think they will.


The Learning Consultants
(860) 510-0410